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Coupon train and baby boomers...

October 10th, 2006 at 03:58 am

I went through all of the coupons in the Pacific train and spent some time pulling the expired ones. I was able to get more than enough to cover the postage and am hoping this, combined with the wonderful coupons from Flash for winning one of the chllenge questions will remotivate.

I am going to take my fellow bloggers advice and look for a doctor who can get me in a little sooner, but in the meantime I am going to focus on working through this *#&*$# pain and getting somewhat of a normal life back. I am tired of nursemaiding myself along.

I went to a Chamber Forum about two years ago, and the guest speaker was from the Health Care Industry. Even two years ago there was talk of the shortage of good doctors for the up-coming baby-boomer needs...and one of the biggest challenges was going to be in spinal and back injury. Especially in communities like this---where there is a draw for retiring age people...and not enough draw to maintain providers to meet the demand for specialized care. If I am in the boomer age-group...I am at the end of it, having been born in 61. But I have a feeling we are just starting to see the effects of this huge generation of people moving into retirement/medical needs age.

Young people! Consider specialized health care...all us 'seniors' are going to need you!!!!....Supply and demand is in your favor!

In the meantime, I will go in search of plan 'b' tomorrow....


October 10th, 2006 at 12:51 am

I fianlly heard back from the doctors office that will be testing my muscles and nerves...

It will be almost TWO MONTHS before I can be seen. (November 20th, said the perky little girl on the phone...good thing you cant reach through the line...)

No words for the frustration here. Of course, it doesnt help that I only slept for about 4 hours last night and that I am out of muscle relaxers to help with the spasms...

I truly dont even have the energy or desire to rant. I am just in disbelief over the whole thing and I am sick and tired of hurting.

bleh! (sorry to cry on my blog, but this sucks)

Uh-oh, one of my two pair of pants died!

October 8th, 2006 at 03:11 pm

Ok- is there some sort of cosmic-curse that strikes when you set a goal and make a pledge 'not to do 'x'?

All of a sudden 'x' becomes harder and harder to stick to--and mysteriously becomes more of a challenge than ever before??

Well, my 'x' was to not buy anymore clothes for the rest of the year.

Why would I need to? I had 2 pair of jeans, a pair of athletic pants and several tops and sweatshirts that were in pretty good condition...

I did notice that my fav pair of jeans were wearing in the (cr*tch)...but did not stress over much...until yesterday, when I sat to put my tennis shoes on and those pants split- you know where-....I have NEVER had a pair of pants do this...but low and behold..

sigh* so I I look for a new pair for our girls trip? or do I stick to 'x' and make do with what I have? Right now Im leaning towards 'x', but we shall see if I can do it.

Thank you Princess Perky and a grandma brag

October 8th, 2006 at 02:55 pm

A short while back, Princess Perky mentioned the website- which is a wonderful site for teaching children.

Now, everytime I talk to GS on the phone or he comes over--he say 'punkee' (pumpkin) and we make and print out a pumpkin for him--of course, he is so proud of his 'punkee' that he has to show everyone.

And GD (13 mo) is starting to take her first steps. She is so proud of herself!! She is up to 3-4 at a time.

Why the brag-- well, aside from the grandma-pride, these are some of the greatest pleasures...and they are free.

If you have little ones around, I encourage you to visit with them...Thank you P-Perky for the suggestion- it has brought much joy to GS and me!!!


October 7th, 2006 at 02:52 pm

First, I made it from mid morning yesterday- to this morning without a pain pill!! HUGE accomplishment. I just took one because the arm is hurting this morning- I think rigormortis sets in overnight.

I have a calendar on the fridge that we write down all events on, and today it says 'Camping'...we were supposed to go, but have decided to focus on getting the wood processed instead as we have 5 cords to deliver. (we may go tomorrow night since DH is off Monday, but we will see).

We put the start-up costs for the business on credit cards (ugh). We bought a few of the wood loads and a dump trailer (hydraulic lift), DH needed a heavy duty chainsaw, plus all the gas that hes using.

He finally has a cushion in the business account to start paying it all back...but having those credit card balances is making me crazy...and it will be a couple of years before we pay it all off. We did get another (albeit 'green') load of madrone this weekend ($650) and DH was able to pay that in cash. But that load wont see profit until next year since it is still green.

I just know how hard we've worked to have no CCs and now we have 2 with sizable balances and a loan from FIL to boot.

But the old adage 'you have to spend money to make money' keeps playing in my head as I work to resolve my anxieties...I know DH will make this work..I just HATE that drasted debt.

Girls Trip

October 7th, 2006 at 03:52 am

Our 3rd annual girls trip is next weekend. I am very much looking forward to it!

What is a girls trip? Well, my daughters, DIL, mom and I all drive up to Portland for 3 days and just bond, and shop, and have fun together.

This year DD3 and DIL arent able to go with us, so it will just be 4 of us.

All of us save our money so that we can just enjoy ourselves without guilt.

We are going to stay in a two story apartment-like penthouse.

We will get to visit Trader Joes- we do not have one in So. Oregon, we try to hit Powells amazingly HUGE bookstore of new and used books, we go to a nearby shopping mall and we do the Saturday Street Fair---where we can browse the local handmade goods and wares.

and we come home Sunday night tired and happy.

The really cool thing is that the younger girls are totally into spending this time with mom and grandma (nana)...I remember a day when they had no time to talk--and when they did, it was often unpleasant...oh those teen years...

We leave next Friday, right after nana gets out of dialysis..can't wait!!!

Shopping Day

October 6th, 2006 at 06:20 am

I actually got out of the house for a little while today and hit the grand opening of our brand new Kohls. What a fun store!

I had two $10 off cards and got an adorable dress for GD for $10.40 (reg price was $34). I will be doing alot of shopping the rest of the year for Christmas. You see, I find the 'perfect/great' gifts for everyone, and then Nana nabs them so she can give them and gives me the money...and then I get to start all over! Smile Needless to say, Nana nabbed this lil cute outfit before I got it fully out of the bag to show her!

I also got 4 books with matching stuffed animal combos that they sale-and the proceed go to childrens hospitals. (Nana also nabbed two of these sets). $20

Then, I found a nice, light weight pink sweater for me. I know I had stated that I wasnt buying anymore clothes for the remainder of the year, but my old sweater has gotten embarrasing to wear and I had a $10 off I spent $14. (But I passed up the socks, tops, shoes, etc...) I will take the new sweater on our girls trip next week. (Have I sold everyone on this being a real need yet??? lol)

All in all, a fun afternoon- a nice diversion to my...well, you know. (Im tired of blogging about it)

I was shocked when I passed by a mirror and caught my reflection...I looked pretty tired, pinched face, unhealthy...I definately need to get this whole pain thing fixed..but I am currently at the doctors mercy (why do they let you wait so long to get you in for testing??...)

Oh well, I still had a fun time looking at all the new stuff. I definately will visit Kohls again!!

The Money Gods Were Kind Today!

October 5th, 2006 at 05:41 am

Maybe they mistook my dance around the living room at 3am (blasted arm) as a money dance...but the money clouds opened up and rained down upon me today!!

Ok, maybe it isnt that exciting...but I found $.26 while cleaning house and I received 4 free samples in the mail! (Post its, Always, Sensodyne toothpaste and Jergens)

THEN...I decided to check the room rates for a reservation I made this past summer for our girls trip (more on that later) next weekend. (We stay in the PENTHOUSE...and its like an apartment..two bedrooms, two baths a full kitchen, fireplace, etc.)

The reservations were just under $400 for two nights.

But TODAY the rates were way lower...only $107 per night so $230 when you add tax..WOO HOO thats a savings of $170, just for checking again!!!

A good day indeed!


October 4th, 2006 at 05:35 am

Take a usually NORMAL, semi-intelligent, yet sometimes naive female...

Mix in a few weeks of really bad pain...

a couple of doctors visits that dont bring results aside from drugs..

a few LARGE bottles of drugs...strong drugs---some that are known for being addictive..and still, dont work for said pain...

a few sleepless nights...

and a STRONG DESIRE to find relief...

a trip to Walmart...

a browse down the BENGAY isle...

a quick perusal of the ingredients....

and a decision to buy the one that is highly recommended for arthritis pain...hey, this feels like it could compare to arthritis...hey, isnt stronger better???

of course, it is also the most expensive on the shelf...but who cares, Im going to be PAIN FREE at any cost!!!

a slather of the stuff on my arm- from shoulder to finger tip.

after this series of events....DH and I walk into the grocery store for a few things...

When I start to feel the, not BENGAY burn, we're talking third degree burn...and a very itchy arm to boot.

I rip the instructions from the box and discover that this particular creme is derived from.....

.....****RED PEPPERS**** ??????????

it is now 2 hours into this ordeal and I have washed, scrubbed and aloe vera'd the arm, but the instruction say that the burn will last....oh, approximately FORTY EIGHT HOURS.


Me and my bright ideas....well, at least Im not feeling the spasms and cramps now.

And I am $11.97 poorer!

Barter = Free Christmas gift!!!!

October 3rd, 2006 at 04:44 pm

I just learned last week that my FIL is getting married this month. (They just decided to tie the knot) I will be adding another name to our Christmas gift list.

Yesterday, I received a call from one of our pest business customers reminding me that Ive never picked out one of her beautiful handmade pieces of jewelry that we had bartered for. (This was our first barter customer, she is a single mom making a living this way)

So, FILs new wife's gift will be all taken care of for FREE to me!!!!

And in addition, I've found my single mom to annonymously send some money to at Christams (in honor of Phyllis).

yada yada

October 3rd, 2006 at 04:31 am

My decluttering is going well. I woke up at 4am and could not go back to sleep (thanks to my arm), so I went ahead and organized DHs dresser drawers. This whole decluttering thing is a work in progress, as it appears I have MORE clutter than before--simply because all of this stuff has been pulled out of the hiding places and are awaiting their final destinations..(throw away, give away or put away). Now I have to say, life is much easier when everything has a home. I am pacing myself so I dont burn out part way through...If ever there was a poster child for Flylady, it is me.

I failed miserably at tracking my expenses last month...primarily because of the arrival of puppies and the pinched nerve. So I am having a go at it again this month. However this month has some unique expenses, but I will still track them all. (hunting trip, our annual 'girls trip'...more on that later... and extra puppy food.)

No freebies or money in the mail today...just some bills *ugh*. Mainly medical bills- amounting to over $800...sigh...just in time for my paycut...hows that for 'special'?

Puppies are doing great.
Businesses are doing great.
and today was a no spender.

Life is good.

Miscellaneous Update

October 1st, 2006 at 01:27 am

I am home alone tonight Smile. Well, as alone as one can get when sharing their space with 2 adult dogs and 9 puppies. I am doing my best to enjoy inspite of the arm pain.

I received a $3 rebate check today, so that will go into the challenge account, bringing that total to $736.22!!

DD2 has changed our cell phone plan (she works for the company) and we are now going to save 1/2 of the prior months' bill or $35 per month. YESS!

I am trying to do some decluttering around here and was able to donate two bags full of books to the dialysis library and two bags full of clothes and other stuff to Goodwill. I bagged everything and put it in the car before I had a chance to reconsider. My closet and dresser are cleaned and organized now...and it sure feels good! But I have a long way to go..if you didnt know, I am one of those domestically challenged prople!- so small victories are huge to me!!

We are all sold out of madrone wood, which seems to be the only wood selling so far. We now have a wait list for 10 cords, so hopefully our wood guy can get us another load. If so, we will make more than we thought and THAT is a good thing!!

My new, lower salary takes effect on Monday, so I wont be able to deposit for the stair challenge until next March when my salary returns to normal. So I am going to get creative. Pop cans, rebates, and a percent of the puppy money will all help...oh, and I am doing some online surveys which sill help too.

However, when I came to this site in March, I had ZERO in a challenge account and after joining, my goal for the year was $500. So I am already pleased with my results.

Puppies eyes are open and they are starting to walk, albeit a little wobbly.They are two weeks today...and that means they will all be going to their new homes in the next 4-6 weeks!!Time to advertise!

Challenge Update

September 29th, 2006 at 05:37 pm

I received a $10 bonus for an ING referral and I also received a shipping refund of $13.20 from Insiders Club. Both of these are being added to my challenge account, bringing my new total to $756.42!!!

Thank You Flash!

September 27th, 2006 at 06:50 pm

I received the freebies and coupons a few days ago that I received for winning one of the guessing games that Flash and Jeffrey have been promoting..and as always, Flash delivered way beyond my expectations (THANK YOU THANK YOU)

If you havent joined in on all the fun, you are truly missing out.

Here is an easy link to get to the Grocery Coupon Guide right now to jump in and start enjoying one of the many benefits of this website!

Text is and Link is

Again, thank you Flash...those coupons will be coming in handy with all these new little mouths to feed during the last week or two when I am weening them in prep for their new homes!

Pain sucks and costs money too!

September 27th, 2006 at 06:40 pm

I miss freely blogging and reading everyones blogs! I miss being able to hold a book to read. I miss a good nights sleep. I miss my homecooked meals. And I know this pinched nerve has had its hold too long= because I even miss the old housework routine.

And Im tired of TV and all the stupid "Paid Programming" that is on at 2,3 and 4 in the morning when I cant sleep.

I know it is getting better because I am actually typing this post without my elbow feeling as if it is about to explode...and I was able to go a full 6 hours yesterday without a pain pill.

But being in pain is not only physical is also emotional and financial discomfort.

Financial, because 1. medications and doctors visits and 2. eating fast food because it is too painful to use my arm to cook.

Emotional, because I feel like I am a lump on a log while DH is working his hiney off to process all the wood (thank goodness for famiy and friends who have jumped in to help!) and because I am watching my house turn into a disaster.

I have a whole new respect for someone in pain. And a whole new appreciation for when I am feeling good.

I have gained a little more mobility in my arm this week..and am confident I am on the right track...but out of 40 painpill perscription starting last Thursday, I am down to 4 its either feel better by tomorrow or Im back to the doctor.

end of pity party.

Challenge Update

September 25th, 2006 at 06:21 pm

Had enough points to cash out on the survey site so i will add that $7 to my challenge account, bringing my challenge balance to $723.33!!

Love it!


September 25th, 2006 at 06:17 pm

Puppies and mom are doing great. Puppies have doubled in size this last week. They are almost ready to open their eyes and see the world!! They are already getting those legs to work better...and talk about fat bellies...nothing so cute as a fat bellied puppy thats sound asleep.

The firewood business is in full swing. We made just under $1500 this past weekend (that is just 3 days of advertising) and we have already had referral calls thanks to our customers!!

Unfortunately, Ive not been able to help much because of that darned pinched nerve. It has now effected my right arm - I went to the dr and am on several serious drugs...but it is looking like the drugs alone arent going to help. Nothing quite like finger/hand numbness and muscle spasms to kill a good nights sleep- no matter how many muscle relaxers, anti -inflamitories and pain pills you take..


Challenge Update

September 21st, 2006 at 03:29 am

I was able to add that $6 survey check that I received a few days ago...+ I received another $20 CC rewards my new challenge balance is $702.22!!!

Big Grin

Friends Birthday Dinner

September 20th, 2006 at 03:19 pm

I took my friend out to dinner last night to celebrate her birthday. Cost with tip $34.80.

Sometimes, all it takes is a persective on someone elses world to make yours seem pretty darned nice.

Her daughter is entering her junior year at West Point, but was recently diagnosed with Crohn's disease...and has lost an astounding 45 lbs in 6 months...45 pounds that she didnt have to loose. She is home on medical leave right now trying to get stablized.

My friends son is in Iraq as is the daughters fiance'.

My friend also has a stressful job that takes way more than 40 hours each week...and then works a second job at a department store.

I gladly treated her to a nice birthday dinner...strawberry dacquiri included!!!

And on my drive home was so very thankful for my frugal, simple life....and for my family's health.

Somehow, my little problems dont seem so big anymore.


puppy pics

September 19th, 2006 at 07:32 pm

Here is mom and pup...too sweet!

and mom and pups feeding

Saving money, Me Hearties

September 19th, 2006 at 03:36 pm

Ahoy Maties!

Todays is talk like a pirate day, me hearties.

Aye, a day of arghs and maties indeed!

Enjoy your inner pirate! Be a little mischevious, let go...have fun!


ps...don't forget to save a little money in the process (this last sentence was added just to keep this post on


September 18th, 2006 at 11:47 pm

I have spent today pulling out my fall decorations and starting to decorate the house. I love the gold, orange, reds, acorns, pinecones, raffia and everything else that signifies this season. Autumn truly is a lovely time of year.

It is fun to hear the acorns from our oak trees falling onto the roof, to feel the chilly night breeze, to watch the leaves start to turn.

Soon, we will have windy days that blow all of those leaves off the trees, a beautiful "fall shower".

Afternoon hot spice with a few drops of honey and lemon...flannel sheets, a toasty fire in the fireplace.

Lots of baking...I will have to find our Pumpkin Crunch recipe for you is a pure taste of Autumn in each bite.

Who needs money for entertainment when it is fall? Maybe a tank of gas to see the beauty that nature provides free of charge....but otherwise, entertainment abounds in the trees, the grass returning to green (in the hot months, it is yellow and dry)and in the cooler weather.

DH will soon go hunting. While he is gone, I plan to use some of those free samples of luxury items Ive received over the past several months and enjoy a "retreat" weekend here at home...I may have to spluge on a nice bottle of wine to I watch the seasons change.

Blessed. Yep, I am indeed.

Puppy Update

September 17th, 2006 at 02:53 am

5 hours into puppy births and we now have FIVE black males and ONE black female...

Anna is doing much better now and is actually letting the little guys nurse...

But we still have a few more to go...Im praying for girls or any color but black.

(For some reason, black male labs are the hardest to find homes for...and Im up to five...)

Will post pics when they're all here.

**update- It is now 9:45pm, we just delivered #9!! We now have 5 boys, 4 girls...all black. Everyone is tired...especially Anna...Im not sure if there is one more...but I will stay up with her until I am certain she is done.


September 17th, 2006 at 01:01 am

September 16 is puppy birthday!! So far we've delivered 4 puppies (we started at 2pm and it is now 5pm)

Anna is not a very mommy-type I am having to catch them as they come out (she has delivered each while standing up...) and then break them out of their sacks, clean them off and cut the umbilical cord!! (not for the sqeemish, thats for sure)

We have 3 black boys and 1 black girl...and there are still a few left to come!! I will keep you posted!!!

Football Game

September 16th, 2006 at 04:29 pm

I went to the HS football game last night. I forgot how much fun those can be.

DD3 is on the color guard team and was performing at half-time, so I wanted to be there and watch her first performance.

I got to know the couple next to me...their son was one of the players..number 84. So I helped to cheer him on...

Half time came and they wanted to know which was my daughter....


all the girls had their hair in buns on top of their heads and were wearing ALOT of fancy, dark eye makeup---and it took me a while to pick her out...but I did eventually determine the one Id once given birth so much for mothers intuition...

Anyway, the color guard did great...and our team WON was fun.

$6 to get in, $2 for a program. Not bad for a great COLD night out.

Best of all, Anna didnt go into labor while we were gone...(which would have been horrible in that cold weather last night-)And we kept her in the house overnight...but this morning she is back in the pen- pregnant as ever.

and the cold has arrived....

September 15th, 2006 at 10:41 pm

Well, we didnt enjoy much 'warm' weather...we went from 90-100s to (today) 54 within a week....It is blustery out there....cold, windy and raining. From tank tops to sweatshirts just like that!!!

Good news, we use alot less electricity in the we heat this big ol' house with a wood stove. I only had ONE MONTH this year that my electric bill went over budget!! yesss!

I am taking care of GS today...he is napping right now...been a little ball of energy all day...Gramma is exhausted!!

Still no she is going to deliver right on time!


September 15th, 2006 at 03:03 am

I cashed in enough Mypoints for a $10 Starbucks card. All of these cards are going to be gifts...and I know several people who would really enjoy Starbucks!

Still no we are down to 3 days. Anna is HUGE and has slowed down today...she also is not jumping up and down...So those little guys will be here anyday.

I made a quick dinner tonight...I had one ciabatta bread left and so I toasted it and layered on some spaghetti sauce, pepperoni, cheese and peppercini's...instant, easy pizza!

Unsolicited = FREE!

September 13th, 2006 at 10:38 pm

Fun mail day!

I received the new OLAY sample (some of these samples are so tiny. Can you really tell if you like something when there is barely enough of the product to apply??)

And a free sample of Ultra Clear Degree deodorant (the deodorant samples are great...I havent had to buy any in a loooong time now!!)

And then there was this dvd....

A Nascar dvd that came with a free collectors coin. Hmm, I dont remember clicking on anything like this...but, the paperwork says I can return the DVD and keep the free gift (coin)if not satisfied...

Ok, well, I dont remember ordering it...but I will just stick it back in the postage paid box and return it...and then I read a little farther and low and behold "Since you did not request this DVD, you may do nothing a consider it a free gift"... Cool...I have a family of Nascar fans...who will enjoy it!

New Boots

September 13th, 2006 at 05:25 pm

DH got his new work boots. He really wanted the ones that were almost $200...but with no encouragement from me, decided to get the ones that were only $89. DH used his wood business account to pay for them...which sure helps with the family budget...that is $89 that can stay in the clothing fund.

While he was at it, GS(age 2) got a mini-pair of suspenders to wear when he is helping papa log. (too cute)

Challenge Update

September 12th, 2006 at 03:41 pm

Boy, 2 challenge updates in as many days...Love it!!

I received a survey check in the mail yesterday for $6 (dont you love surveys sites that pay quickly...and in cash??)

And I was able to request another rewards CC check for $20 because DH put a large motorcycle repair on my card last month (luckily the repair was paid for by a 'friend' of a 'friend' who had borrowed the quad for a ride and then rolled it into a large pond)

So, my new total with both comes to:

...which will bring me to $700 on Monday when my stair challenge $$ goes into the account! woo-hoo! But that is a happy dance for Monday!

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