Archive for July, 2006
July 15th, 2006 at 05:18 pm
I forgot to mention that I got a $2.99 rebate check for Stretchy Tape, a sample of Tide + Febreeze laundry soap and a 3 pouch sample of Jergens lotion yesterday. (Best of all, NO BILLS!)
Also, I used the free Purina One cat food coupon...but I am waiting on the free Purina One dog food...because the free was only up to $10.49 (I think) and the dog food at Safeway was priced at $11.98...pretty bad when its not free afterall because it is so overpriced! So Ill get the dogfood somewhere else!
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July 15th, 2006 at 06:15 am
Having a gramma slumber party with GS (age 2) tonight.
We went for a walk, had some milk, took a tubby, fed the kitties, played, got into our jammies and finally laid in bed talking about our day until one of us wore out and went night-night.
DH has made another contact to get more wood for a very reduced cost. (About $200 for loads that normally run $800) Woo-hoo... So he will start working on those loads in the next couple of weeks...boy, this is adding up to ALOT of splitting...which is my job. ugh.
But I wont complain at all...this is what will hopefully get us through the winter months this year!
Well, gramma is pooped. Night night!
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July 15th, 2006 at 01:05 am
I bundled up the coupons and headed off to Safeway this morning.
When I got there, I had a receipt from last week and the sale ad. They had charged me regular price $8.99 on something that was on sale for $5.99- this was 3 lbs of hamburger patties...and I felt it was a good deal at $5.99, but never would have paid full price. They happily returned my $3 
Then, I stopped and talked to the manager about a couple of BOGO offers that I also had by two get 'x' off...and i wanted to make sure I could use both. He was really nice and said that I could, so long as it didnt go over the actual cost of the one item. 
They also had a great sale on London Broil's $1.79 lb.
So...after about an hour and a half, I checked out. Luckily, I got a very experienced checker...and the whole process flowed smoothly.
End result...I paid $76 and saved $98 off the bill!!!
Best Deals:
I got two boxes of Nice n Easy that were clearanced for 3.99 each and had a $5 coupon with an extra double of .50 cents...end cost $2.98 for two boxes!
I got 2 boxes of Hamburger Helper at clearance of .67 each - .50 coupon + .50 double...so, 2 boxes for .17 each. I never buy this stuff, but for this price, I felt it would be a great 'in a pinch' meal sometime.
The had large jars of Nalleys pickles on sale BOGO at $3.79. I had a $2 coupon plus .50 double. So, two large jars for $2.29.
And finally, Purex laundry soup, BOGO- $5.19, $1 off + 50 double or $3.69 for both.
then...5 free 2 liters coke..(Thank you Flash)
And, I saw a little old man on oxygen putting cleaning supplies in his basket so I offered a few $1 coupons...he was very appreciative!
All in all, a great shopping experience!
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July 14th, 2006 at 05:00 am
We enjoyed free fun today.
GS, age 2, and a water hose with a nozzle.
That's all it took.
He chased grammma...he watered the tree..he watered the lawn and flowers...he was all powerful and made gramma scream...and run...He got "Aunt Ninny" (Wendy) (DD1)
He washed his wagon, slide and little tykes bike...
He even watered his hands, nose and hair... (Princess Perky, that counts as learning doesnt it??)
It was at least 90 minutes of uninterrupted fun...
and tonight when he called me on the phone before bed..."I wuv ou gramma"...
free fun, and a great time.
Priceless indeed.
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July 13th, 2006 at 10:32 pm
Errrr...somedays the mail sucks.
First, the insurance denied the claim for DD3s prosthesis...so $215 to come up with...
Then we just get a bill from our tax man and apparently I forgot to pay back in April...so $165...
And all of DHs leg expenses went to deductible...so about $300...
DH wants to attend his HS reunion...another $75...plus expenses while he is there...so probably $150 on top of that...Then there's his annual trip to the coast with his family...another $100+
and I just finished juggling everything from the last few weeks and was hoping to start rebuilding savings.
or is that WAAAAHHHHH.
Either way, it is just plain frustrating. About $1000 all at once and mostly unexpected. I have a little over $400 in my challenge account...and about $150 saved for car repairs...so I have to figure out another $450...I have a feeling I cant solve this one with cans and bottles...
Oh boy...
Off to bang my head against the wall.
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July 13th, 2006 at 05:08 am
Well, make that $8 instead of $50...
What is that saying about taking the tomboy outof the.......but you can't make her dance?
So much for my little tomboy learning to jazz dance...in her words, "it's dumb" and "you cant expect me to do that for 2 hours each week!"
Oh well. Hopefully she can learn to twirl the flag without benefit of these classes....otherwise, I see some sort of ROTC in her fututre (wont her military obsessed dad be proud?)
all I can do is shake my head and smile...That's our girl...
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July 13th, 2006 at 02:02 am
I spent a little time today looking at online coupons and rebates and ended up with a nice little stash for things we use often.
I signed up for a few deals, clicked some my points links, and basically focused on improving our budget.
We got another truckload of wood delivered...we will get close to 15 cords of madrone...which means a little over $2000 profit for the winter...which will come in handy now that we know the bug business wont be paying salaries for a few months. I am hoping between the wood and the puppies, I will make enough to cover my lost salary...and that if I do get a PT job, that money will all be extra.
I am stocking up on lots of things and will probably be able to cut our grocery budget back in the winter too.
And since we heat the house with a woodstove, out heating bill is nill since we get our wood for basically free.
I really appreciate all of the tips that are shared on this site. I almost always sign up for the freebies and coupons that are mentioned.
I enjoy the days that my shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, deodorant, laundry soap, etc, etc...are free.
I also enjoy getting to try things I would never actually buy...I feel so pampered!! 
I guess I am just a grateful blogger.
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July 13th, 2006 at 01:50 am
Some days, you think you are enjoying a nice, quiet no-spend day...and all of a sudden *splat*, you get hit with an uinexpected curve-ball...
Yep, no spend day today...right up until DD3 came in and announced that she would like to join a dance class to help her with her flag routine for the team she is on at her new HS. $50 for 6 weeks- 1 night per week...and the class is about 35-40 miles away. $$cha-ching$$ Just like that...the no spend day is a blurred dream...
But DD3 is entering the all important HS years...and I am happy to see her do this. How I wished I could have had my other kiddos in this kind of stuff back when...but I was working too many hours and did not have the time or opportunity. However, I learned my lesson of how quickly it goes by and when all is said and done, it is no fun to say, if only....
I have offered to share the travel every other week with another mom...so I only have to make the trip 3 times in all.
And so ends another almost, but not quite... no spend day. And that's ok with me
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July 12th, 2006 at 04:38 pm
I have been taking advantage of the one month free trial at B-buster. We are enjoying the 3 movies at a time, anytime + 1 free in-store per week. For a family who rarely rents...it has been an adjustment and a treat!
Last night, DD3(14) and I had a 'chick-flick' night- compliments of our freebies. We propped lots of pillows on the bed, had the room nice and cool and watched two movies together. Fried Green Tomatoes and Riding in Cars with Boys.
When DD3 was younger- I started calling her "Tawanda"- a pseudoname used in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes...and she loves to watch it and hear the name yelled out...(Funny, she has grown up deserving of just such a nickname )
Tonight, we have a couple more movies to enjoy.
At the end of the month, I will call and cancel the membership. But I can honestly say, this is one trial we have really enjoyed!!! And I really love the F*R*E*E piece of it!
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July 11th, 2006 at 11:27 pm
I love drugs. 
Well, not all drugs...but today I very much appreciate the vicodin and muscle relaxers that we have on hand. My Back, neck, arm and head are not quite so bad today. I took all the advice from the responses to my post- and tried a combination of them...and it is working. I think the biggest help was rolling on the floor and doing a natural-type chiro adjustment. Natural = my bones against hard floor with a little pressure. (pop, pop)...and, although it is not perfect...I am able to move without sharp pains everytime.
As far as spending, no spending since I am doing good just to move about the house. I did cook up chicken and pork for several days worth of meals.
Thanks again for all the advice...i am trying to use better posture, hot & cold packs, home-chiro- ing, and resting the muscles....and it seems to be helping!
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July 11th, 2006 at 02:59 am
Ok, I know its something when 2 vicodin and 2 muscle relaxers later, it still hurts.
Right under my right shoulder blade...my neck keeps spazzing and it shoots down my right arm every time I move...cant turn my head side to side without discomfort.
No, I havent gone to the doctor...and Ive never been to a chiro...
But is ifs not considerably better by tomorrow, I am flipping a coin!
No spend today...not much housework, frozen pizza if anything for dinner...just a whole lotta whining from an irratable mom.
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July 10th, 2006 at 05:39 pm
DH and I went to what used to be one of our favorite little places to eat this weekend for lunch.
It is a fun little grill joint that you throw the peanut shells on the floor...
We hadn't been there in months...so we were looking forward to the treat.
By coincidence, we both ordered the same thing,down to the drinks (iced tea).(Married a long time perhaps?)
About halfway through the meal, DH said- you know, I am so used to us cooking at home, this doesn't even taste as good as what we do. And I had to agree.
Lunch was $25- and half of each went home to the dogs.
Needless to say, I stocked up on stuff to cook at home...(hense the huge grocery bill) But we are well stocked and I can truthfully say that we will be back in the groove of eating from home...not just for the money saved, but also because we enjoy it more.
Funny thing, there was a day, that thought would have never crossed my mind!! (ME cook? NEVER!!)
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July 10th, 2006 at 03:33 pm
You have to spend money to make money.
You have to spend money to make money.
You have to.....
I am using this mantra so I don't shift into panic mode over the money we are spending lately.
The wood business is all about spending right now. New chainsaw, new trailer, gas to get to the sites, money to pay the guys who are helping, new work jeans and shirts for DH, etc. My stack of deductible receipts is GROWING quickly...but so is the debt.
Time for a reality check. I have to look at our finances this morning and figure out how to pay off as much as possible (Challenge account may have to start from scratch)...
Come August/September, when we start deliveries- the situation will turn around...but I am having some major anxiety over all the spending...not to mention the meal or two out that went on the CC to be paid off with future earnings...
This weekend just felt like the old spending habits had snuck back in...we went over grocery budget by almost $100- We did some stocking, but still....
Major setback...stumble...oops...I dont even know what to call my not so frugal choices and decisions the past few days...
50 lashes and a good dose of reality today...and I should be back on track...we shall see.
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July 7th, 2006 at 10:17 pm
I have a few heroes here on this site, who have made such a difference through advice, kind words, friendship, etc. I am sure you know who you are 
This entry I am dedicating to FLASH.
I recently weeded through a post that she wrote about all of the offers that were available...it took quite a while to go through them all, so i can only imagine how long it took her to put the list together.
Anyways, I replied with a few of the offers that would be on my wish list...and here just a few days later I receive a stack of great deals from her!!
Flash is a busy lady. She writes articles, researches ideas, contacts manufacturers, etc...then she routinely does her *Amazing Shopping Trips* and shares her secrets with us...
Ok, so somewhere in there, she also takes care of a home and family...and I hope squeezes in a little time for herself now and then.
Flash, thank you SO MUCH for making time to send lil' ol' ME this envelope full of goodies...I will use and appreciate them all!
You truly made my day!
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July 7th, 2006 at 08:36 pm
Boy, did I just get a scolding from a very unhappy DS....he was scheduled for a 'yellowjacket' job...but it ended up being a 'hornet' job instead.
OK...so hornets, when treated, get very aggressive and mean...hornets should NOT be treated mid-day (which it is) and hornets nests tend to be HUGE compared to their less aggressive cousins...
Mental note... ALWAYS make sure I am differentiating the two when scheduling these appointments...even if the customer says 'yellowjacket'!
At least DS did NOT get attacked or stung...otherwise, Id probably be writing this from the unemployment line .
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July 7th, 2006 at 02:11 am
I am a bit nervous about my electricity bill this month.
After running my AC ALOT, the bill was only $.27 more than last month, when I barely ran the AC, if I did at all....poor memory, Ive slept since then...But this month, we ran it alot- being as the business is here in the house and DH sleeps during the day, we have to run it almost 24/7 when it is really hot out.
So, ive been pondering how on Earth the bill was so close to last month...
I have heard that sometimes the guys who check the meter skip a month of reading and just guesstimate...perhaps?
But I am hoping, that the fact that I have dried ZERO clothes in the dryer for the past few weeks is more the cause.I have been diligent about hanging our clothes.
Im not sure how else to explain it.
This week is much cooler...and so the AC is off for now....but Im not sure what to expect on next months bill...and I am not like Ima Saver, I do not know what those little dials mean out there...I just know that somedays they turn alot faster than others!!
I guess for now, i will be happy with the still reasonable bill...and hope that it doesnt catch up to me in August!
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July 6th, 2006 at 05:25 pm
My business partners and I (otherwise known as mom and the kids) have been talking about business finances for the winter and have pretty much agreed that the business wont pay employee salaries once we slow down in October...which means that we need to come up with our own income for 4-5 months.
Hmmm...does this mean a part time job for me? I am not sure yet. I know DH and I will have some additional income from the wood business...and hopefully, Anna (my lab) will be having a litter of puppies before the year is done.
One of the issues with me getting a part time job is that I would still need to be home during the day to answer the business phones. We dont get many calls each day, but we still need to answer those that we do.
Which means an evening and/or weekend job. or perhaps DD1 and I can rotate.
I have always worked in banking...never tried anything else. But I would prefer trying something new if I were to venture out part time.
Of course, I will look at the budget and see what we can scale back on first.
I am struggling with this and here is why...DH has been so gracious about me working from home...and I emphasize WORKING because I have been bringing in a weekly paycheck, even if it is a fraction of what I used to make...but I am really not comfortable not bringing in ANY income, when I am capable of doing so.
Hmmm...i guess I have some thinking to do.
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July 6th, 2006 at 05:11 pm
It is supposed to get to the 70s here today...yesss!!! I so enjoy cooler weather anymore.
I am anticipating another no-spender here again today. At least for me.
I need to take another business deposit into the bank and we have to buy a black ink cartridge for the work printer. But as for me, there not anything we need today!
Just planning on enjoying the weather!
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July 6th, 2006 at 06:03 am
I had a no spend day today. I worked with DD1 in the office, took the business deposit to the bank and checked out a couple of library books.
The mail today contained a John Frieda hair shampoo, condition, style sample and $1 coupon. I also received 3 movies from Blockbuster as I am taking advantage of a one month free trial. I watched one movie tonight and will watch one more before the mail runs tomorrow...then those two are on their way back so I can get two more before the weekend. I hope between the one month trial and all the weekly freebies in store, we will see pretty much everything we've wanted to see.
Tomorrow I need to cancel Complete Home and Insider club. My month trial is up this week!
I am still working on the 2 big bags for Goodwill and weeding through all the piles for the dump.
Have not made time for crafts (yet)!! But that is definately on the to do list.
And that's it for today!
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July 5th, 2006 at 04:12 am
After coupons:
Spray N Wash- .87 cents
Glass Plus... .85 cents
4 LARGE bottles of Pantene conditioner (normally 6.99 marked down to $1.48 with $1 off on two...only .98 cents each!!)
and best of all...Nice n Easy on clearance for $1.37...$2 coupon so they GAVE ME .63 cents back in cash!!! Plus, the box had a FREE SAMPLE of Pantene shampoo attched to it!
Continue to stock up on free or almost free!!
Love these deals!!!
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July 4th, 2006 at 03:54 pm
DH, who stayed up unitl 2am playing his game will sleep until later today.
We have been invited to DILs moms house for a party this afternoon. All of my family will be there...as will lots of other people.
They have a built in pool and a 'pool' house large enough to host a big party. (It has a full kitchen, bathroom and activity room with a pool table) Nice, nice place.
I have been asked to bring a big green salad..so I am going to town shortly to pick up the makings.
I also noticed at Target yesterday, they had Nice n Easy hair color on clearance for $3.38...and I have a coupon for $5 off two and $2 off one...so I will pick up 3 boxes while Im out.
I have two goals this week:
1. organize all of my coupons and rebates by Friday.
2. Find enough stuff to fill two big bags for Goodwill and deliver the bags by Friday.
I have been working on both each day.
I requested the Complete Tightwad Gazette again (library)and plan to reread it over the next couple of months.We can renew book for up to 9 weeks here so long as no one else reserves them...so I will keep it as long as possible.
Happy 4th to you all!
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July 4th, 2006 at 04:04 am
DD1 and I went in search of khaki pants today. She has gotten a part time job and will need them to work there.
While we were at JC Penneys we ran into a lot of 60% off sales.
We found some great make-up kits (what girl doesnt enjoy those?) for Christmas gifts...$12 each for the nice big ones...so I got 4 (1 for each DD1, DD2, DD3 and DIL) then I got some of the smaller $5 ones for DD3s Christmas gifts for friends...so I will stick those away.
They also had some great smelling Itailian bath and shower soap...normally $27.50 per bottle on sale for $4.50 each...so I nabbed two of those for a couple of friends Christmas gifts...and I will knit them each a yummy washrag to go with....I have been collecting little baskets that the gifts can go into. ...and I can adorn the baskets with the big box ($2.50) Christmas decorations that I scored at the garage sale a couple of weekends ago.
Please excuse the interruption...From the Living room at Rays house: Effin piece of S*&T game, Im gonna throw the effin friggin.....etc, etc...DH is having fun? I dont know, Im just staying in here outa the way....lol I love X-box....NOT
Any way, back to Christmas....I am happy to say that I have a few more gifts tucked away!!!
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July 4th, 2006 at 03:51 am
Yes we have one. We bought it about 4-5 years ago when all the kids were still at home...and now they are mostly all grown and on their own...but we still have 'the box'.
DD3 doesnt care for it...
But DH is an addict. And he loves anything WAR...so the past two days have been an X-box frenzy for some reason...over *gulp* $65 on two games...
This has so killed the budget. But DH is in X-box heaven...and it is something to keep him relaxed (and outa my hair maybe?) for a few hours...otherwise he would be out getting wood or cutting wood...and he needs to take some down time.
But I have to say...it is a little odd at my age to have a DH addicted to something like this. I guess there are much worse things...
I found a place that we can trade or sell his old games to...they normally run about $50 a pop, and we will probably get $5-10 credit each.
...I bet he has 20+ of the darn things...if I multiply that $50 per, by X% in lost retirement savings and compound it over 20-30 years....oh, I dont even want to go there...
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July 2nd, 2006 at 10:50 pm
One of my favorite children's book is The Napping House by Audrey Wood.
The story is about a little boy who is napping at grandmas house and he, grandma, the dog, the cat, a mouse are all napping on grandmas bed when a flea comes along and wakes them all up!! the pictures are fun...it is just a great book.
This afternoon, I have a napping house...Papa Rick is napping, Colton (GS, age 2) is napping, Grace is napping....and all is quiet. and as far as I know, there are no fleas coming along anytime soon. 
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July 2nd, 2006 at 04:59 pm
Last nights entertainment:
Left overs for dinner
Gone with the Wind on TV...
listened to my $.50 garage sale CD that I got last week "December" by George Winston-piano music, lovely.
Surfed the net...read some of my fav sites...
and finally, up to the nice air conditioned bedroom to read one of my library books...
Enjoyed it immenseley...and it was all pretty much free or very cheap.
I certainly have made a shift the last year.
Once upon a time, I would have went SHOPPING with that time...as that was my natural habit...I would go in search of 'IT'...that 'little something' that would make me feel that all my hard work was worthwhile.
Of course, 'IT' was not in any store..but I found lots and lots of things that I thought were 'it'...and now my house is cluttered with them.
"It" was always just being content with who I am and what I have. "It' is quiet time to read a good book, watch a great movie, spend time with the people I love- or time alone. For me, "IT' is living a less stressful life so that I can enjoy all the natural, "ITs" that exist around me.
Have you found your 'IT'?
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July 1st, 2006 at 10:22 pm
Oh boy.
I went garage selling with nana and papa today.
Sounds innocent enough...like a nice leisurely kinda way to spend a Saturday morning....right?
But they wanted to take their car...and papa wanted to drive. They have a PT cruiser...cool little car if you are driving or in the front co-pilot seat...but in the back, it is near impossible to see anything up ahead because of the way the car is designed...
So, off we go. I gave papa strict instuctions to keep the air on (nana, gets chilled easily, even on these super hot days...but c'mon, the air has to flow past to get to the poor pssengers in the back...ie, me!)
So, air on and we are off...but neither nana nor papa can see the garage sale signs unless we are either 1. stopped- which is no good on a busy street, or 2. Right on top of the sign forcing a turn at the last second, and often over a couple lanes of traffic to head the right direction...and I am telling you this from experience...
Egads.... we had folks honking, people passing us with that look- you know the "what r u stupid or something!" look...papa was stoping on major hwys to read the signs...he sat through a green light trying to determine which way an arrow was pointing...
sigh...Papa, should I drive? No, no, Im fine...
And nana, bless her heart, spotted a PENNY lying in the street while walking to one of the sales and stopped to pick it up...ok, exept this was a busy street and there was a car coming pretty fast....
We wrapped up the shopping pretty early. My parents are thinking Im am a wuss for not having more stamina than I did...lol...(its got nothing to do with stamina, but much to do with SANITY)
and then Papa insisted on buying the girls lunch...so we stopped at a little burger joint and had a really nice lunch and then headed for home.
The only bargain I found was one of those rocking gaming chairs that you can use for x-box gaming...My SIL was wanting one and I found an almost new one for $40- new they are almost $100---so I called SIL and he went and picked it up....otherwise, no deals for me today.
Glad to be home...no, make that VERY GALD to be home.

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